In the heart of Phoenix, Engelman Berger celebrated its 25th anniversary with a heartwarming act of community service. Their team, driven by a commitment to meaningful action, embarked on a journey that would not only leave a lasting impact but also exemplify the spirit of giving back. Months of meticulous planning culminated in a day filled with purpose, joy, and a shared vision for a better future.

The mission was clear: to design, build, and decorate "Little Free Libraries" – tiny book-sharing boxes aimed at promoting literacy and fostering a love for reading within the community. These miniature literary havens, scattered throughout neighborhoods, are part of the global "Little Free Library" movement. Founded on the principle of "Take a Book, Leave a Book," these small structures encourage literacy, community engagement, and a sense of belonging.

Engelman Berger's choice to support the Little Free Library program resonated deeply with their commitment to closing the literacy gap for children. Understanding the profound impact access to books can have on a child's development, they seized the opportunity to make a tangible difference in their community.

The day of service was a testament to their dedication. Three teams, each brimming with enthusiasm and creativity, set out to bring their Little Free Library designs to life. With hammers in hand and paintbrushes poised, they transformed humble wooden structures into vibrant beacons of knowledge and imagination.

But their efforts extended beyond building the structures themselves. In the months leading up to the event, the Engelman Berger team rallied together to collect over 150 books, ensuring that each Little Free Library would be stocked with a diverse array of reading material. Furthermore, their unwavering commitment to the cause was evident in the generous donations – over a thousand dollars raised specifically for this endeavor.

As the day unfolded, a palpable sense of fulfillment permeated the air. Scott Cohen, reflecting on the event, remarked that it was the best social services day Engelman Berger had ever experienced. For him and his team, it was more than just a day of volunteering; it was a celebration of community, compassion, and the power of collective action.

Volunteers echoed this sentiment, expressing how deeply they were moved by the experience. From the joy of seeing children eagerly peruse the books to the heartfelt conversations shared with fellow volunteers, every moment served as a reminder of the profound impact one can have when driven by a shared purpose.

In addition to their work on the Little Free Libraries, Engelman Berger's commitment to literacy extended to their involvement in Southwest Human Development's Grow a Reader Program. At the heart of “Grow a Reader” lies a commitment to providing children with the tools and resources they need to develop strong literacy skills. Through engaging activities, interactive experiences, and personalized support, the program seeks to empower children and their families to embark on a journey of discovery and lifelong learning. Engelman Berger embraced this mission fully by helping create the elements for a virtual book drive. Volunteers spent time counting and bundling paper flowers, each adorned with a QR code, that will be scattered strategically throughout the community. These efforts, coupled with their meticulous quality control on Reading Buddies – stuffed animals designed to aid children in reading practice – showcased their holistic approach to supporting literacy initiatives. Volunteers made sure the stuffed animals were adequately stuffed, confirmed that each buddy had a birth certificate, and even wrote letters from the “buddy” to the children who would read with them.

Indeed, Engelman Berger's day of service was a testament to the firm's enduring commitment to making a difference in the Phoenix community. As they celebrated 25 years of steadfast commitment to upholding the highest standards in the legal profession, they reaffirmed their belief in the transformative power of service and the boundless potential of collective action.

To learn more about the Grow A Reader program, please visit: https://www.swhd.org/
